Based in Whitehead, Co. Antrim the RPSI is largely a volunteer based organisation founded to restore and preserve steam locomotives and historical rolling stock. In 2015 the RPSI secured substantial funding to create a new visitor centre and CMC was contracted to supply the digital installations.
The society were keen to realise their incredible archive of photography and film in any future exhibitions and looked to continually add new materials to their repository. They also expressed the desire to manage the day-to-day display themselves. CMC recommended therefore that the RPSI install an open source digital asset management system that would organise their digital archive while using WordPress and Xibo to publish content on several iPads and 4K screens located through out the facility.
During the Autumn and Winter of 2016/2017 we tailored CMC’s digital asset management software – CMC Flow – for the unique requirements of RPSI. We also sourced all the required hardware, initialising their server and installing all the elements on-site. The visitor centre was opened to the pubic on schedule on the 1st of March, 2017.