Elgin Cathedral, Carved Stones

Client: Historic Environment Scotland
Date: April 2016

Historic Environment Scotland opened a stunning new exhibition at Elgin Cathedral displaying a selection of the carved medieval stones uncovered from the ruins in the 1800s by a local shoemaker. CMC designed an intuitive interface and robust digital catalogue system for an interactive display on the ground floor of the cathedral which allows users to discover stories and themes as well as a detailed exploration of the full collection – nearly 500 pieces. The fascinating stones feature expressive faces, flora and fauna, animals including lions and lizards along with a rose window dating to the 1200s. A selection of the pieces can be explored in 3D.

The program also allows visitors who cannot access the upper floors to experience full 360 degree panoramas of each room of the exhibition as well as the stunning external views from the top of the north tower. This interpretive multimedia program has made a significant contribution to the visitor experience at the cathedral.

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