This new App from CMC has just been published – the first of a series produced as part of our joint GOSTEP Eurostars Project. You can download the App free at this link and of course explore more Apps on the izi.Travel site. The Udal App has been a fantastic community effort – especially by Comann Eachdraidh Uibhist a Tuath, the North Uist Historical Society. Our warmest thanks go to the local researchers, voices and recorders – without whom this project would not have been possible. This tour has also been supported by Comhairle nan Eilean Siar and their Udal Project, Highlands and Islands Enterprise and the North Uist Development Company.
The Udal Peninsula is a very special place. At its heart is the shell-sand ‘machair’ – a Gaelic word meaning ‘fertile plain’ – which has a unique flora and fauna. For thousands of years families have lived on, farmed, and continue to farm, this rich landscape – resulting in an equally exceptional archaeology. This App guides walkers along the peninsula as local voices describe its rich human and natural history.